Campagnolo 753 (for Record 1049 chainset)
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Category:  Chainrings
Name:  Campagnolo 753 (for Record 1049 chainset)
Brand:  Campagnolo
Primary Group:  Record
Model:  753
Years:  Mid 1960's - 1980's
Country:  Italy
Added By: watsondm on 01/24/10
Updated By: watsondm on 02/11/10
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Campagnolo 753 (for Record 1049 chainset)Campagnolo 753 (for Record 1049 chainset)Campagnolo 753 (for Record 1049 chainset)Campagnolo 753 (for Record 1049 chainset)
Identifying MarksPatent Campagnolo <##> (tooth count)BCD 144
Tooth Count Range52 - 42Ring PositionDual Chainring Set
Chain PitchHalf Inch (modern standard)Chain Width3/32"
General Information
Crank rings used on the Nuovo Record crank set. The Super Record and Nuovo Record shared crank arms, the rings being the only difference between the two.  Large ring typically was 50-54t, 54t shown.  Smally was typically 42, 41 being the minimum.
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Component Groups
Primary Group NameBrandQuick InfoBrowse Group Components
Record (First Generation)Campagnolo1958 - , Road RaceView 27 Components
Details:   First generation Campagnolo Record group.  This group is later called the Nuovo Record group when the Nuovo Record rear derailleur is introduced.  Some people however call Nuovo Record group simply 'Record' throughout the time frame of the introduction of the Record derailleur all the way through the mid 1980's when the Nuovo Record group production is ended.
Group NameBrandQuick InfoBrowse Group Components
Nuovo RecordCampagnolo1966 - 1987, Road RaceView 47 Components
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