PMP Pedalafuturo (black anodized)
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Category:  Cranksets
Name:  PMP Pedalafuturo (black anodized)
Brand:  PMP
Years:  1981 - ?
Country:  Italy
Added By: JFischer on 11/02/07
Updated By: peterbman on 10/17/16
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PMP Pedalafuturo (black anodized)PMP Pedalafuturo (black anodized)PMP Pedalafuturo (black anodized)PMP Pedalafuturo (black anodized)PMP Pedalafuturo (black anodized)
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Chainring CountDoubleBCD 144mm
BB StyleSquare Taper (JIS)Pedal Threads9/16" x 20 (English)
BB Length Flutes Crank Arm; Spider
Lengths Arm/Spider MaterialAluminum Alloy
Front MarkingsPMP BrevettatoBack Markings
Extractor Threading 22x1mm (Standard)  
General Information

From Bike Tech, October 1983 INVENTIONS
The Bent Crank: Chronology of an Idea by Harvey Sachs

Each year, the bicycle industry produces dramatic and radical advances in technology. One of the most startling of these was the P.M.P. "bent" crank, which outdid even the Gear-Tel for originality.  Harvey Sachs, best known for his active leadership in East Coast tandem events, predicts what the future holds for P.M.P. in the following special report: 

1981: P.M.P., a small Italian firm, bursts on the scene with the revolutionary "bent"crank, featuring a 90-degree bend in the crank arm. The "L-shaped design increases the pedal's propulsion power and lessens energy dispersion on the downstroke, " according to the manufacturer's literature.

1981: The British magazine Cycling issues a set of P.M.P. cranks to an unnamed first category Surrey roadman for road testing. "Whatever the theories, in practice our roadman tester felt the P.M.P. cranks offered an advantage and surely that is the true criterion," Cycling reported. The roadman himself said, "At low pedaling speeds, dead center seemed to be removed. "

1982: P.M.P. cranks are the talk of the New York trade show. Not many orders, but lots of talk ...

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PMP Pedalafuturo PistaPMP
Brand Information(click to expand)
 This brand is primarly known for producing cranksets with a L-shaped crank arm. 
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