Maillard Normandy (cog lettered Maillard)
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Category:  Freewheels
Name:  Maillard Normandy (cog lettered Maillard)
Brand:  Maillard
Years:  Early 1980's - ?
Country:  France
Added By: zarkod on 11/01/10
Updated By: peterbman on 04/28/14
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Maillard Normandy (cog lettered Maillard)Maillard Normandy (cog lettered Maillard)Maillard Normandy (cog lettered Maillard)Maillard Normandy (cog lettered Maillard)
Cog Count 5Available ThreadingFrench: 34.7mm x 1mm
ColorSilverIndex Compatibility Non-indexed, standard spacing
Cog MaterialsSteelIdentifying MarkingsMAILLARD MADE IN FRANCE reverse : M34.7 x 100 FRENCH 09/83
Removal Tool Style SplinedRemoval Tool VAR 40500;
Bicycle Research CT-3
Original Available Ranges14-26  
General Information
Mainly an Original Equipment Model says the 1982 Maillard catalogue. Indeed mine comes from a 1978 low end Peugeot bike.

The smaller sprocket is screwed into the second one, which is then screwed onthe freewheel body to secure the three remaining sprockets. Contrary to MAillard 700 Course freewheels, the body has only one outside diameter.
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Additional Resources
Resources:Reference & ChartsGear Calculator
Brand Information(click to expand)
 Hubs, pedals and freewheels maker. Between 1950 and the late 60's, absorbed smaller companies Atom (freewheels, pedals) and Normandy (hubs), whose brands survived on a number of Maillard-made products until the early 80's.
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