Araya 16A (box style alloy clincher)
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Category:  Rims
Name:  Araya 16A (box style alloy clincher)
Brand:  Araya
Model:  16A
Years:  Late 1960's - 1990's
Country:  Japan
Added By: JFischer on 02/08/10
Updated By: JFischer on 02/08/10
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Araya 16A (box style alloy clincher)Araya 16A (box style alloy clincher)
Rim Type ClincherMaterialAluminum
Rim Size20" (406mm); 24" (520mm);
26" (559mm); 27" (630 mm);
700c (622 mm)
Spoke Drillings36
Label MarkingsValve DrillingSchrader
Rim Height (mm)Rim Outer Width (mm)
EyeletsNoneSeam Joint 
Wheel Lacing Data
Rim Size: N/AERD: N/A
General Information
The model 16A was made in at least 5 different variations from the late 60s through 80's (introduction probably in the mid to later 60's but it is not present in the 1960 catalog and the next available catalog is 1970 which does contain the model 16A(1), 16A(2) and 16A(4).  These rims were also Each numeric number denoted a different width, with the higher numbers being the more narrow rim.  In the 1980 catalog it shows the (1) version along with a (3) and (5) version, I'm guessing these were the successors of the earlier (2) and (4) rims.  The 3 and 5 versions lived on into the 1990's if not beyond.
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