Sheffield Sprint 673 (round holes in cross pieces)
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Category:  Pedals
Name:  Sheffield Sprint 673 (round holes in cross pieces)
Brand:  Sheffield
Model:  Sprint 673
Years:  1960's - 1970's
Country:  Italy
Weight:  341 grams (Actual), freshly greased
Added By: peterbman on 03/10/14
Updated By: tmundry67 on 01/20/22
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Sheffield Sprint 673 (round holes in cross piSheffield Sprint 673 (round holes in cross piSheffield Sprint 673 (round holes in cross piSheffield Sprint 673 (round holes in cross piSheffield Sprint 673 (round holes in cross piSheffield Sprint 673 (round holes in cross piSheffield Sprint 673 (round holes in cross piSheffield Sprint 673 (round holes in cross pi
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Pedal TypeQuillPedal Threading9/16" x 20 (English)
Bearing Size1/8" (11 + 13)Body / Cage MaterialsAluminum Alloy
Axle MaterialCr-Mo steel  
General Information
These pedals exhibit an interesting design. The general shape is more rectangular and provide a wide convenient contact area for the rider. The rise at the outer edge is also relatively low compared to other quill pedals. The weight is quite low. As well, the somehow asymmetric design is noteworthy. The reinforcing round rods that attach the outer cage and spindle housing are one per pedal only. This looks like one is missing but is built by design. The construction appears to be rather high quality. The spindle is entirely chromed and thus more resistant to corrosion once water may have invaded. The cone countering mechanism has also an advanced design in that the ring with the nose/tip that prevents rotation is fitting into a dimple on top of the threaded cone. This facilitates exact alignment of the bearing play. Did not see this with any other cup and cone bearing pedal so far. I have added fotos from the inner Spindle and cone/nut to illustrate.
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Sheffield Sprint 673 (oblong holes in cross pieces)Sheffield
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