Component List
(29 found)
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Component NameBrandModelGroupYears 
Shimano PD-A525ShimanoPD-A525 1993 - ?
Shimano PD-T100ShimanoPD-T100 Late 1980's - ?
Shimano PD-1050, 105ShimanoPD-1050105 1050 Series1987 - 1988
Shimano PD-1051, 105ShimanoPD-1051105 1050 Series1989
Shimano PD-1055, 105SCShimanoPD-1055105SC1990 - 1995
Shimano PD-1056, 105SCShimanoPD-1056105SC1990 - 1995
Shimano PD-6300, 600 AXShimanoPD-6300600 AX1982 - 1984
Shimano PD-6400, 600EX UltegraShimanoPD-6400600 UltegraLate 1980's - 1990's
Shimano PD-6401, 600 UltegraShimanoPD-6401600 UltegraEarly 1990's - ?
Shimano PD-6402, 600EX UltegraShimanoPD-6402600 Ultegra1992 - ?
Shimano PD-6207, 600EXShimanoPD-6207600EX1984 - ?
Shimano PD-AD10, Adamas AXShimanoPD-AD10Adamas AX1982 - 1983
Shimano PD-DE10, DeoreShimanoPD-DE10Deore1980 - 1984
Shimano PD-M650, Deore DXShimanoPD-M650Deore DX M650 Series1990 - 1993
Shimano PD-MT60, Deore MT60 SeriesShimanoPD-MT60Deore MT60 Series1987 - 1992
Shimano PD-MX15, Deore (BMX Style)ShimanoPD-MX15Deore XT M700Mid 1980's
Shimano PD-M730, Deore XT M730ShimanoPD-M730Deore XT M730Late 1980's - Mid 1990's
Shimano PD-M735, Deore XTShimanoPD-M735Deore XT M735 Series1990 - 1995
Shimano PD-M747, Deore XT / XTRShimanoPD-M747Deore XT M739 Series1995 - 2001
Shimano PD-7400, Dura-AceShimanoPD-7400Dura-Ace 74001987 - 1993
Shimano PD-7401, Dura-Ace 7400ShimanoPD-7401Dura-Ace 7400Early 1990's - ?
Shimano PD-7410 SPD, Dura Ace 7410ShimanoPD-7410 SPDDura-Ace 74101993 - ?
Shimano PD-7300, Dura-Ace AXShimanoPD-7300Dura-Ace AX1981 - 1984
Shimano PD-7200, Dura-Ace EXShimanoPD-7200Dura-Ace EX1980 - 1984
Shimano PD-7200, Dura-Ace EX (Late version)ShimanoPD-7200Dura-Ace EX1980 - 1984
Shimano PD-A450, Exage SportShimanoPD-A450-BExage Sport1988
Shimano PD-A550, Light ActionShimanoPD-A550Light ActionLate 1980's - Late 1990's
Shimano PD-A515ShimanoPD-A515RX1002000 - 2004
Shimano PD-6500, UltegraShimanoPD-6500UltegraLate 1990's - Mid 2000's

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