Texas Velo
Roundup 2011
Celebrating Vintage and
Exotic Bicycles (and their riders)
Supporting the Dallas Austin Street
May 28
Show at noon – probably
inside (bring a Vintage / Exotic bike or several!).
Lunch at noon
(eat and enjoy cool bikes...what could be better?).
Ride at 2:00
(same 20 – ish mile route as last year, modest
conversational pace).
Donation box at
the door, proceeds go to the Austin Street Shelter.
Location: Fair
Park area of Dallas, Trunk @ Ash
RSVP = no lunch!
RSVP to Clyde Putman and tell
him what bike(s) you plan to bring.
cputman@smu.edu (preferred)
214-350-3628 (home)
214-768-3441 (office)
Fine print:
No alcohol (to much legal risk)
Hardshell helmets required (keep
the hairnets for show)
Vintage bikes are generally pre 1985-ish.
Exotic bikes would be pretty much anything that you would
not normally find on the showroom floor.
- How
fast will the ride be?
Moderate conversational pace. If
you want a workout, ride hard in the morning and enjoy the Roundup in the
There will be somebody at the show location to keep an eye
on equipment during the ride, but we can’t be responsible for any loss or