FRM Colnago
Main Photo
Category:  Cranksets
Name:  FRM Colnago
Brand:  FRM Bike Technology
Years:  N/A
Country:  Italy
Weight:  500 grams
Added By: JFischer on 12/21/07
Updated By: peterbman on 12/05/14
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FRM ColnagoFRM ColnagoFRM Colnago
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Chainring CountDoubleBCD 
BB StyleSquare Taper (ISO)Pedal Threads9/16" x 20 (English)
BB Length Flutes None
Lengths 172.5Arm/Spider MaterialAluminum Alloy
Front MarkingsColnago logoBack Markings[length]
Extractor Threading 22x1mm (Standard)  
General Information

From ebay auction for these very unique and rare cranks:

one of 5 sets of custom-made Colnago cranks made from aluminum billet. Yes, these cranks were each made from a solid piece of aluminum alloy for Ernesto. There are no chainring bolts on the right crank as the whole item is one unitary piece. When Ernesto gave them to me in Cambiago, he said that they were made specifically for a time trial bike for Tony Rominger and were one of only 5 sets that were produced. He also said that they were made by the same people who produced many CNC'ed parts for the Ferrari formula 1 team.  They weigh in at a lightweight 500 g. the chainrings are 53 and 39 and the cranks are 172.5 mm long.

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