Simplex SX110 T
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Category:  Rear Derailleurs
Name:  Simplex SX110 T
Brand:  Simplex
Primary Group:  SX
Model:  SX110 T
Years:  1977 - 1980
Country:  France
Weight:  283 grams (Actual),
with Hanger, without appr. 248 g
Added By: tmundry67 on 01/23/22
Updated By: tmundry67 on 01/23/22
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Simplex SX110 TSimplex SX110 TSimplex SX110 TSimplex SX110 TSimplex SX110 TSimplex SX110 TSimplex SX110 TSimplex SX110 T
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Outer Plate MarkingsSimplexInner Plate MarkingsSimplex / S.D.G.D / Brevete / Made in France
MaterialPlastic; SteelDesign CategoryInline parallelogram
Attachment Bolt SizeSimplex Special Bolt for threadless Simplex DropoutsCable Attachment Bolt Size5mm Allen Key
Shifting SystemsFrictionCable AdjusterNo
Cage LengthShortMax Cog Size30
Max Chain Wrap30  
General Information
Only few years after introduction of the broadest product palette in 1975, Simplex approximately in 1977 introduced an updated version of the SX 100, named SX 110 and listed in parallel to the SX 100 in the 1977 brochure. From there the SX 100 disappeared. The only recogizable difference is the parallelogram front plate, now with the smaller Simplex badge instead of the embossed Logo from the SX 100 (and S001). Everything else does not seem to have changed.The black on gold logo is the one most observed but there is also a version with black on silver, I have attached also fotos from this version.
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Known for their black plastic (Delrin) derailleurs during the "bike boom" of the 1970's, they were at the forefront of innovation over the years, producing such highly regarded items as the Super LJ derailleurs, Retrofriction shifters, and very popular line of seat posts.

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