Clement Grifo Neve
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Category:  Tires
Name:  Clement Grifo Neve
Brand:  Clement
Model:  Grifo Neve
Years:  Early 1970's - Mid 1980's
Country:  Italy
Weight:  340 grams (Spec)
Added By: vxpro on 08/14/08
Updated By: Wolfram Verktyg on 12/26/17
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Clement Grifo NeveClement Grifo NeveClement Grifo Neve
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Label MarkingsClement Grifo NeveTire TypeTubular
Sizes700c x 28Max PSI 100
Sidewall TypeLatex covered cotton casingsDesigned Use Road Race
General Information
Clement recommended this tire for the rear when racing cyclocross.

Note: These tires were made for riding in the snow during road race stages in the European mountains. Grifo Neve means "Snow Griffin", a mythical creature with the head, wings and talons of an eagle with the body of a lion. Back in the mid 70's someone gave me a pair of those tires. I tried them on hard pack snow but they were useless. probably OK for fresh or slushy snow.

We did a lot of off road rides in the mountains of New Mexico and southern Colorado back then and we had good luck with Milremo/d'ALessandro and Continental cyclocross sewups. I took the Grifo Neve tires off road once thinking that they would be just like cyclocross tires. The rubber compound on the treads was soft and half of the knobs peeled off of the casing. I also pinch flatted one of them, damaging the casing. One ride and they were ruined.

Clement produced some cyclocross tires with the word Grifo in the name. They had stronger casings and thicker treads. Someone at Clement didn't know what they were talking about when they advertised these for cyclocross!

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