Cinelli (disc)
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Category:  Wheel(sets)
Name:  Cinelli (disc)
Brand:  Cinelli
Years:  1985 - Early 1990's
Country:  Italy
Added By: cronometro on 01/24/10
Updated By: peterbman on 04/13/14
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Cinelli (disc)Cinelli (disc)Cinelli (disc)Cinelli (disc)Cinelli (disc)
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Front Spoke CountDisk WheelRear Spoke CountDisc Wheel
Gear TypeFreewheelRear Hub Width
Rim TypeTubularRim Width 
Wheel Size(s)650C; 700C  
General Information
Cinelli carboon fiber disc wheel. Came in 700C rear disc for either road and track and 650C front disc for either road and track.  Hubs made by Gipiemme.
Hollow disc in contrast to the first resin disc wheel made by Gipiemme/Ambrosio 1984, which was solid. 
Gipiemme manufactured the Cinelli disc and sold this wheel also under their own name but then painted grey. 

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Brand Information(click to expand)
A true icon in the cycling industry, Cinelli is well known for their stems and handlebars which came as standard equipment on countless quality European brand bicycles, however they are also known to have made some of the most sought after lightweights by collectors and riders alike the world over.  Few brands can meet, let alone exceed, the level of workmanship and ride quality of Cinelli frames, even those from the 1950's.
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