Specialized Stage Racing
Main Photo
Category:  Hubs
Name:  Specialized Stage Racing
Brand:  Specialized
Model:  Stage Racing
Years:  1980's
Country:  United States
Added By: JFischer on 10/12/10
Updated By: peterbman on 10/31/14
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Specialized Stage RacingSpecialized Stage Racing
Gear Compatibility FreewheelFront Bearing Size/Count
Rear Bearing Size/CountRear Spacing126mm
Spoke Drilling24; 28; 32; 36; 40Flange SizeLow Flange
Gear Threading/Pattern English/ISO: 1.375 x 24 TPIBody Markings
Axle MaterialSteelShell MaterialAluminum
General Information
Combined both loose ball bearings and cartridge bearings, the Stage Racing hub was designed for easy service and adjustment with standard tools.  Bearing races were made from polished surgical steel. Jim Merz: "The hub bodies were forged on the Stage Racing Hubs. Normal Specialized hubs were cast. Because forging is stronger the spoke flanges could be made with a smaller diameter. The bodies were also highly polished. The bearings used for this hub had the same dimensions as the normal hubs, but the inner race was ground so it could be removed easily. The races were made from very high quality steel and had a mirror like finish. They were specially made for Suntour and were very expensive. I am pretty sure these hubs were never used on any complete bike we sold, and were quite rare."

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Brand Information(click to expand)
Specalized is much more well known for making frames than components, but they have branded tires along with other parts with their name since the 1970's.
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