Component List
(84 found)
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Ofmega AxecOfmega Late 1990's - ?
Ofmega CompetizioneOfmegaCompetitioneCompetizioneLate 1970's - Mid 1980's
Ofmega CX, CXOfmegaCXCX1980's
Ofmega Gran PremioOfmegaGran PremioEarly 1980's - ?
Ofmega LineaOfmegaLineaLineaN/A
Ofmega MasterOfmegaMasterN/A
Ofmega MistralOfmegaMistralMistralMid 1980's
Ofmega Super CompetizioneOfmegaSuper CompetizioneN/A
Ofmega VantageOfmegaVantageN/A
Ofmega VantageOfmegaVantageN/A
Ofmega (bolted crankarms)Ofmega N/A
Ofmega (steel, cottered, fixed single ring)Ofmega N/A
Ofmega (steel, cottered, single ring)Ofmega N/A
Ofmega (triple)Ofmega N/A
Ofmega Baby SprintOfmega N/A
Ofmega SierraOfmega N/A
Ofmega Brevetto BartaliOfmegaBrevetto Bartali N/A
Ofmega Forgiato (cotter-less)OfmegaForgiato 1970's - 1980's
Ofmega Forgiato (cottered)OfmegaForgiato Early 1970's - ?
Ofmega Alpine LPOfmegaAlpine LPAlpine1997 - ?
Ofmega Competizione BIANCHIOfmegaCompetizione1980's
Ofmega Competizione super or luxe (first generation)OfmegaCompetizioneN/A
Ofmega Competizione (stamped logo)Ofmega1100CompetizioneLate 1970's - 1980's
Ofmega Competizione CyclocrossOfmegaCyclocrossCompetizioneN/A
Ofmega Competizione (painted logo)OfmegaStradaCompetizioneLate 1970's - Mid 1980's
Ofmega CXOfmega1000CXEarly 1980's - Mid 1980's
Ofmega CX (triple)Ofmega1010CXEarly 1980's - ?
Ofmega Gran PremioOfmega1200Gran PremioEarly 1980's - ?
Ofmega JuvenileOfmegaJuvenileJuvenileN/A
Ofmega Linea (printed crankset)OfmegaLineaN/A
Ofmega LineaOfmegaLineaLineaEarly 1990's
Ofmega MasterOfmegaMasterMasterN/A
Ofmega MistralOfmega2000Mistral1980's
Ofmega MundialOfmega2100MundialEarly 1980's - ?
Ofmega Super Competizione (road, 1st version)OfmegaSuper CompetizioneN/A
Ofmega Super Competizione (pista)OfmegaSuper CompetizioneSuper CompetizioneLate 1980's - Early 1990's
Ofmega Super Competizione (road, 2nd version)OfmegaSuper CompetizioneSuper CompetizioneLate 1980's - Early 1990's
Ofmega VantageOfmegaVantage1992 - ?
Ofmega Vantage (Bianchi Quattro version)OfmegaVantageMid 1980's - Late 1980's
Front Derailleurs
Ofmega Linea (first version)OfmegaLineaN/A
Ofmega Linea (second version)OfmegaLineaLate 1980's - ?
Ofmega MasterOfmegaMasterN/A
Ofmega Mistral (Mistral on outer plate)OfmegaMistralN/A
Ofmega Mistral (Ofmega on outer plate)OfmegaMistralN/A
Ofmega PremierOfmegaPremier1980's
Ofmega VantageOfmegaVantageN/A
Ofmega (steel)Ofmega N/A
Ofmega CompetizioneOfmegaCompetizione1980's
Ofmega CXOfmegaCXCXN/A
Ofmega Titanio, Gruppo TitanioOfmegaTitanioGruppo TitanioEarly 1980's - Mid 1980's
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