Component List
(190 found)
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Component NameBrandModelGroupYears 
3ttt Curva Start3ttt Mid 1990's - ?
3ttt Ergopower Due Tour de France3ttt 1990's - ?
3ttt Podium3ttt N/A
3ttt Riserbar3ttt N/A
3ttt Aero - early 1980´s3ttt???? Aero? Early 1980's - ?
3ttt Moser Time Trial3ttt51.151 1984 - ?
3ttt Valencia (300/5)3tttArt. 300/5 Late 1970's - Mid 1980's
3ttt Trial Piana3tttC-Trial Piana (L) 1980's - ?
3ttt CGTX44-V3tttCGTX44-V N/A
3ttt Competizione (Merckx Bend)3tttCompetizione 1970's - Late 1980's
3ttt Competizione (Merckx bend - early model)3tttCompetizione - Merckx N/A
3ttt Competizione (Gimondi)3tttCompetizione Gimondi bend 1970's - 1980's
3ttt Competizione Track (Pista)3tttCompetizione Track 1970's - ?
3ttt CSTRP/I3tttCSTRP/I 1980's - ?
3ttt Curva Trail Alta/Bassa3tttCurva Trail Alta/Bassa N/A
3ttt Forma 23tttForma 2 1990's - ?
3ttt Forma 23tttForma 2 1990's - ?
3ttt Forma SL Ergopower3tttForma SL Ergopower Mid 1990's - Late 1990's
3ttt Forma SL-Ergopower due3tttForma SL-Ergopower due 2002 - ?
3ttt Grand Prix (1st Version)3tttGrand Prix Mid 1960's - Late 1960's
3ttt Grand Prix (2nd version)3tttGrand Prix Early 1970's - 1980's
3ttt Moscow Time Trial3tttMoscow N/A
3ttt Mutant3tttMutant 1990's - ?
3ttt Paris - Roubaix3tttParis - Roubaix N/A
3ttt Parma (riser flat bar)3tttParma Late 1970's - 1980's
3ttt Racing Team Service PISTA3tttRacing Team Service PISTA N/A
3ttt Superleggero3tttRecord Competizione Superleggero 1970's
3ttt Record Grand Prix3tttRecord Grand Prix 1970's
3ttt Record Grand Prix (later version - dual groove)3tttRecord Grand Prix Mid 1990's
3ttt Record Grand Prix (later version)3tttRecord Grand Prix 1970's
3ttt Record (1st Version)3tttRECORD Superleggero Early 1970's - ?
3ttt Roma3tttRoma Mid 1980's - Late 1980's
3ttt Touriste3tttTouriste Early 1960's - ?
3ttt Trial lightweight3tttTrial lightweight 1980's - ?
3ttt Trial Bassa (high drop)3tttTrial/bassa Early 1980's - Mid 1980's
3ttt Trial Bassa (low drop)3tttTrial/bassa Early 1980's - Mid 1980's
3ttt Competizione TdF3tttCompetizione TdFCompetizione (TdF)Mid 1970's - Mid 1980's
Akront SuperAkrontSuper Early 1970's - Early 1980's
Ambrosio 13 Volte Campione del MondoAmbrosioCampione del Mondo N/A
Ambrosio Champion AmbrosioChampion 1960's
Ambrosio Champion pistaAmbrosioChampion pista Early 1950's - Mid 1960's
ATAX CTA (aero brake cables)ATAX N/A
AVA (narrow enlarged center section; AVA within diamond)AVA N/A
AVA (narrow enlarged center section; AVA within diamond)AVA N/A
AVA (wide enlarged center section; AVA lettering)AVA N/A
AVA AzureenAVA N/A
AVA RandonneurAVA N/A
AVA Randonneur with bonded stemAVA N/A

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