Brand Directory
Country:FrancePrimary Focus:Tires
Years of Operation:1890 - ?
General Information

1853 : Hiram HUTCHINSON sets up a factory at Langlée, near Montargis (France).

1890 : HUTCHINSON begins production of bicycle tires.

1909 : First HUTCHINSON victory at the Gold Bowl with Léon Georget, thanks to the "Monofil" tire!

1951-1961 : The famous HEYLETT-HUTCHINSON team dominates all the races and tops the podiums.

1953-54-55 : Louison Bobet wins 3 Tours de France with Hutchinson.

1957 : Jacques Anquetil wins the Tour de France on HUTCHINSON tires! 4 titles follow, from 1961 to 1964.

1964-65 : Start of a long collaboration between HUTCHINSON and the MERCIER team.

1983 : Creation of the first HUTCHINSON 26'' mountain bike tire.

1984 : HUTCHINSON develops its first flexible-bead tire.

1988 : HUTCHINSON develops the Kevlar sub-layer, which increases PUNCTURE RESISTANCE without overly weighing down the tire.

1991 : Launch of ON THE ROCKS, the first real competition mountain bike tire, used during the period on the DH by Nicolas Vouilloz, Anne Caroline Chausson, Fran�ois Gachet and Christian Taillefer.

1995 : Creation of the legendary PYTHON. The tire is adopted by everyone and sweeps up all the victories.

1997 : HUTCHINSON designs a TUBELESS bicycle rim profile and develops some injected plastic wheels, as well as airtight tires.

1999 : HUTCHINSON and component & wheel manufacturer MAVIC develop and launch the UST TUBELESS mountain bike concept in partnership.

2004 : HUTCHINSON goes even further and launches TUBELESS LIGHT tires.

2005 : HUTCHINSON wins its 7th consecutive Tour de France. Thanks to the Boss!

2005 : HUTCHINSON becomes an official Tour de France brand.

2006 : HUTCHINSON goes even further and launches TUBELESS LIGHT tires.

2006-2007 : HUTCHINSON launches the 1st Road TUBELESS tire & the 1st mtb TUBELESS READY tire !

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Recent Added / Updated Components
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Additional Resources
Catalog NameSourceFile SizeDate Added
Hutchinson catalog (1977)Velo-Pages.comN/A12/17/2010
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