Huret Success-Duopar CPSC (later version, matt finish; open front clamping band)
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Category:  Front Derailleurs
Name:  Huret Success-Duopar CPSC (later version, matt finish; open front clamping band)
Brand:  Huret
Model:  975 CPSC
Years:  1978 - Early 1980's
Country:  France
Added By: LeicaLad on 01/19/20
Updated By: LeicaLad on 01/19/20
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Huret Success-Duopar CPSC (later version, matHuret Success-Duopar CPSC (later version, matHuret Success-Duopar CPSC (later version, matHuret Success-Duopar CPSC (later version, matHuret Success-Duopar CPSC (later version, mat
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# Rings Designed For TripleOuter Plate MarkingsHuret
Inner Plate MarkingsUS Patent 4078444Clamp Markingsopen face
Inner Clamp MarkingsDesign CategoryParallelogram
Pivot Arm MarkingsPlate MaterialNickle plated steel
Clamp StyleCable Attachment Bolt
CableStop YesClamp Bolt Type
Max Ring Difference 27T  
General Information
 Version with a satin-like finish and w/o the black Huret badge and two-toned construction.  This variation is identical except for these cosmetic-only differences.  The patent number on the back is the same as for the primary variant.

This version is distinct from the made-for-Schwinn USA model, which was modified for cost control.
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Component VariationsView Detailed List  Manage Variations
Variations of Component exist (Component is 1 of 3)BrandGroup
Huret Success-Duopar CPSC (earlier version; open front clamping band)Huret
Huret/Schwinn Success-Duopar CPSC (simplified build, matt finish; Schwinn branded clamping band)Huret
Brand Information(click to expand)
With Simplex, one of the main two French producers of derailleurs between WW2 and the late 80's.
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