LF Pearl Model 50
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Category:  Saddles
Name:  LF Pearl Model 50
Brand:  LF Pearl
Model:  50
Years:  1930's - ?
Country:  France
Weight:  495 grams
Added By: JFischer on 03/24/08
Updated By: JFischer on 03/24/08
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LF Pearl Model 50LF Pearl Model 50LF Pearl Model 50
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Base Material LeatherCovering Material 
Rail MaterialAlloyWidth5.75"
Length11.25"Rail Spacing Saddle Clamp
General Information
From ebay auction by spanner48:

LF Pearl were one of the top French saddlers, on a par with Idéale and Gauthier, until they disappeared in the 1960s, when plastic saddles came in and killed off the leather saddle market. I cannot be certain of the age, but I am told that this is from the 1930s. The cross-slot ventilation holes in the top indicate pre-War, as Pearl moved to regular round holes after the War. Perhaps there’s a Pearl expert out there who can confirm the dating?? But this was Pearl’s top racing model, with high-tensile light alloy cantle frame and rails, and a unique helical tension spring in the nose, to provide a degree of shock aborption. Also very light bagloops, for (very light) touring. The rivets are unique: one size up from any other saddle I’ve seen, solid, and apparently made of aluminum bronze. They are light, slightly yellowish grey in colour, very hard, tight, and looking virtually as new; they are clearly completely resistant to corrosion. Each one is pantographed with the LF Pearl logo.
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 Closed in the 1960's.
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