Brooks Vitesse 500
Main Photo
Category:  Saddles
Name:  Brooks Vitesse 500
Brand:  Brooks
Years:  Mid 1980's - Late 1980's
Country:  Italy
Weight:  423 grams
Added By: vxpro on 08/03/08
Updated By: peterbman on 08/02/18
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Brooks Vitesse 500Brooks Vitesse 500Brooks Vitesse 500Brooks Vitesse 500Brooks Vitesse 500
Base Material PlasticCovering Material Leather
Rail MaterialSteelWidth
LengthRail Spacing 42mm ctr-to-ctr (standard spacing)
General Information
I believe these were made during the '80's but it's possible they carried into the early 1990's.  These saddles were not made in England but rather made under licence in Italy for Brooks (see photo #4). 
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Brand Information(click to expand)
 One of the oldest cycling companies still in business, Brooks of England is most well known for the cycling component John Boultbee Brooks invented in 1865: the leather cycling saddle.  The Brooks company has been owned by a number of different parent companies over the years as detailed in the History section.
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