Shimano FD-6400-B, 600 Ultegra
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Category:  Front Derailleurs
Name:  Shimano FD-6400-B, 600 Ultegra
Brand:  Shimano
Primary Group:  600 Ultegra
Model:  FD-6400-B
Years:  1988 - 1991
Country:  Japan
Weight:  104 grams
Added By: JFischer on 07/18/07
Updated By: movinyl on 10/23/12
Additional Photos - click for full size
Shimano FD-6400-B, 600 UltegraShimano FD-6400-B, 600 UltegraShimano FD-6400-B, 600 UltegraShimano FD-6400-B, 600 UltegraShimano FD-6400-B, 600 UltegraShimano FD-6400-B, 600 UltegraShimano FD-6400-B, 600 Ultegra
# Rings Designed For DoubleOuter Plate MarkingsShimano 600 with Tri-Color stripe
Inner Plate MarkingsFD-6400 VIA Shimano JapanClamp MarkingsNone
Inner Clamp MarkingsDesign CategoryParallelogram
Pivot Arm MarkingsNonePlate MaterialChrome plated steel
Clamp Style28.6mm ClampCable Attachment Bolt5mm Allen Key
CableStop NoClamp Bolt Type5mm Allen Key
Max Ring Difference 14T  
General Information

Model FD-6400-B (Band Type)
Model FD-6400-F (Italian, Braze-On Type)

FD-6400 was the 7-speed one, it is unusual in that it swings diagonally at a 45 degree angle, same as the RX100 and 105 of the time.
FD-6401 swings straight out as normal. It was introduced with the 8-speed group 1992-97.

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Component Groups
Primary Group NameBrandQuick InfoBrowse Group Components
600 Ultegra, 6400 seriesShimano1988 - 1998, Road RaceView 32 Components

 Shimano added the word 'Ultegra' to their 600 group set in 1988 with the introduction of the 6400 series groupset.  Also often recognized by the tri-color stripe on many of the parts. 

The Ultegra group was developed to provide a high-performance racing type bicycle for amateur racers and performance oriented sports cyclists. Ultegra features polished bearing races, high strength steels, a striking modern colour treatment and compact high-tech design theme. This approach creates a new upgraded image for a fashionable high quality racing-type bicycle aimed at the performance cycling enthusiast. (1991 Dealer Manual)

Brand Information(click to expand)

Shimano Model Number Prefix List:

BB Bottom Bracket BL Brake Lever BR BRake
CB Coaster Brake CJ Cassette Joint CN ChaiN
CP Chain Protecto CR Chain Ring CS Cassette Sprockets
DF chain DeFlector DH Dynamo Hub FC Front Crank
FD Front Derailleur FE Fork Ends FH FreeHub
FS Front Suspension HB HuB HD HanDle bar
HP Head Parts (Head Set) HS Handle Stem IF Inter-3 Freehub
LP LamP MF Multi Freewheel PD PeDal
RD Rear Derailleur RH Rollerbrake Hub RM RiM
RR ReflectoRs RS Rear Suspension SB Shift Brake lever (Nexus, ?)
SC Speed Calculator (cycle computer) SF Single Freewheel Freilaufritzel SG Speed chanGe hub
SH SHoes SL Shift Lever Schalthebel SM SMall parts
SP Seat Post SQ Seat Quick release SS Single Sprocket
TL TooL WH WHeel ST Shift Brake Lever (STI, Rapid Fire, etc)
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