Lyotard 462
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Category:  Pedals
Name:  Lyotard 462
Brand:  Lyotard
Model:  462
Years:  Mid 1960's - Early 1980's
Country:  France
Weight:  190 grams (Actual)
Added By: PeachyPM on 05/12/18
Updated By: PeachyPM on 05/12/18
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Lyotard 462Lyotard 462Lyotard 462
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Pedal TypePlatformPedal Threading9/16" x 20 (English)
Bearing SizeBody / Cage MaterialsSteel
Axle MaterialSteel  
General Information

Later version of the single sided 15s, the 462 has 3 slight differences; the central axle is made from three components rather than one piece, the top surface of the end plate has a flat spot & the dust caps have the name Lyotard straight across rather than around in a circle.

The Lyotard 462 was first mentioned in a Claud Butler catalogue in 1967 and clearly shown on the Electron Super five. The 15s was still listed in the 1968 on the Super European but wasn’t mentioned again after this year

This pair are from my sons 1969 Claud Butler Electron super five and are original to the bike according to the previous (first) owner. they were quite badly coroded, so I only had them dip-stripped then re-chromed without polishing.

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