Excel Gruppo Rino
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Category:  Cranksets
Name:  Excel Gruppo Rino
Brand:  Excel
Model:  XL 153
Years:  Early 1980's - ?
Country:  Italy
Weight:  635 grams (Actual),
Includes one-key release
Added By: wildhirt on 01/30/16
Updated By: wildhirt on 03/13/16
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Excel Gruppo RinoExcel Gruppo RinoExcel Gruppo RinoExcel Gruppo RinoExcel Gruppo RinoExcel Gruppo RinoExcel Gruppo RinoExcel Gruppo Rino
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Chainring CountDoubleBCD 144mm
BB StyleSquare TaperPedal Threads9/16" x 20f (Italian)
BB Length 121mmFlutes Crank Arm; Spider
Lengths 170Arm/Spider MaterialAluminum Alloy
Front Markings"R" in diamond, "excel"Back Markings170
Extractor Threading 22x1mm (Standard)  
General Information
Private-labeled version of the Cambio Rino Criterium crankset, with 'Excel' logo in place of 'Rino' on the crankarm flutes. Excel was a US manufacturer of lower-end components based in Franklin Park, IL, supplying the original Schwinn Bicycle Co. of Chicago and Sears Roebuck & Co's line of Free Spirit bikes. When production of those mass-market bikes shifted to Asia in the early 1980s, Excel moved upmarket, contracting with Cambio Rino to produce Excel-branded versions of Cambio Rino derailleurs, cranksets and seatposts. The NOS example pictured incorporates a Shimano-like one-key release not seen on other Rino cranksets.
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Variations of Component exist (Component is 1 of 2)BrandGroup
Cambio Rino CorsaCambio Rino
Brand Information(click to expand)
Illinois-based Beatrice Foods owned Excel, a US manufacturer of lower-end components based in Franklin Park, IL, supplying the original Schwinn Bicycle Co. of Chicago and Sears Roebuck & Co's line of Free Spirit bikes. Both Elgin and Excel derailleurs were made in the same Illinois factory. When production of those mass-market bikes shifted to Asia in the early 1980s, Excel moved upmarket, contracting with Cambio Rino to produce Excel-branded versions of Cambio Rino derailleurs, cranksets and seatposts.
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