Ideale 90 Speciale Competition
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Category:  Saddles
Name:  Ideale 90 Speciale Competition
Brand:  Tron & Berthet
Model:  Ideale 90
Years:  1960's - 1980's
Country:  France
Weight:  575 grams
Added By: JFischer on 11/23/07
Updated By: peterbman on 03/07/18
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Ideale 90 Speciale CompetitionIdeale 90 Speciale CompetitionIdeale 90 Speciale CompetitionIdeale 90 Speciale CompetitionIdeale 90 Speciale CompetitionIdeale 90 Speciale Competition
Base Material LeatherCovering Material N/A (No Covering)
Rail MaterialSteelWidth5.75"
Length10.5"Rail Spacing 42mm ctr-to-ctr (standard spacing)
General Information
Also made in Alloy and Titanium rails.  Production confirmed back as far as mid 1960's, possibly further back than that.  I've had a report that this saddle was also made in a narrow width rail spacing, but exact size unknown.
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Variations of Component exist (Component is 1 of 2)BrandGroup
Ideale 90 Speciale Competition (titanium)Tron & Berthet
Brand Information(click to expand)
Tron & Berthet made saddles branded Ideale, BIM, and Norex.

Katia Dayde: "BIM was a sub-brand of Tron & Berthet, as Norex. The family Berthet told us that for BIM it was a way of selling lowest quality leathers. Norex was dedicated to North Europe market as Mme Berthet came from Belgium, they developed some specific models for this market."
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