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Photo Credit: eBay Seller radmaenner
Display Name:Competizione
Category:Road Race
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General Information
Competizione is a great example of how good Ofmega could be. As with most Ofmega gruppos, it could often be identified by the colour box that the component came in; in this case scarlet.

The Competizione group included a range of coloured components; pedals, chainrings and hubs. The colours seen included red, blue and gold but there may be more. The coloured forms are more often found in the Avocet branded versions. In the 1980s, the Chicken catalogue often showed the components alongside other coloured components from manufacturers, such as Weimann.

This groupset was the most commonly rebranded product line. Often, Bianchi, Legnano and a host of other manufacturers had Ofmega pantograph and emboss their names and logos onto the cranks, shifters and hubs. Ernesto Colnago famously had a whole gruppo made with his signature on, which he proudly displayed in the companies catalogue. Some of these rebranded components are significantly rare and sought after.
Bottom BracketsOfmega CompetizioneLate 1970's - Mid 1980's08/18/07
CranksetsOfmega Competizione (painted logo)Late 1970's - Mid 1980's06/28/09
CranksetsOfmega Competizione (stamped logo)Late 1970's - 1980's07/18/07
CranksetsOfmega Competizione BIANCHI1980's11/21/15
CranksetsOfmega Competizione CyclocrossN/A08/20/08
CranksetsOfmega Competizione super or luxe (first generation)N/A03/11/17
HeadsetsOfmega Competizione1980's10/14/07
HubsOfmega Competizione "Legnano"N/A01/28/12
HubsOfmega CompetizioneLate 1970's - ?08/22/08
HubsOfmega Competizione (colour anodized)1970's - ?02/07/09
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