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20 Newest Components AddedRSS
Item NameCategoryAdded On
Shimano BR-R550Brakes02/07/2025 07:54 AM
Maillard sachs-maillard 8 speedFreewheels02/04/2025 03:12 PM
MKS Esquartz 102Pedals02/03/2025 06:50 PM
Campagnolo Record tripleCranksets02/02/2025 11:46 AM
Brooks Swift 2009 World Championships Limited Edition (steel rails)Saddles01/24/2025 03:12 AM
Campagnolo c recordRear Derailleurs01/23/2025 04:03 PM
Campagnolo 'monoplaner' - graphiteBrakes01/21/2025 04:19 AM
Campagnolo 'monoplaner' - graphiteBrakes01/21/2025 04:12 AM
Shimano uni-glide 5 speedCassettes01/20/2025 04:07 PM
Bualto B17Saddles01/20/2025 08:36 AM
Shimano Adamas AX (?), Adamas AXHubs01/09/2025 01:48 PM
Dia-Compe BENOTTOBrakes01/03/2025 03:24 AM
Hatta hatta vestaHeadsets01/02/2025 05:25 PM
Campagnolo record pista non-flutedCranksets01/02/2025 01:28 PM
DEA GIOS by DEDAStems01/02/2025 09:34 AM
Campagnolo sprocket/cog display boardSmall Parts & Accessories01/02/2025 08:28 AM
Campagnolo RECORD - 'SU' engravedHubs01/02/2025 08:13 AM
Gnutti OLMOHeadsets01/02/2025 07:16 AM
Corima - 4 spoke carbonWheel(sets)01/02/2025 05:48 AM
Campagnolo super record - titanium - 1st gen;Bottom Brackets01/02/2025 03:24 AM
20 Newest Components UpdatedRSS
Item NameCategoryLast Updated On
Mavic 351 SSCHandlebars02/04/2025 06:15 AM
Mavic 355 Drop Handlebar / BullhornHandlebars02/04/2025 05:59 AM
MKS Royal Nouvo TrackPedals02/03/2025 06:54 PM
MKS Esquartz 102Pedals02/03/2025 06:51 PM
MKS Esquartz 107Pedals02/03/2025 06:46 PM
MKS EsquartzPedals02/03/2025 06:42 PM
Caimi G. Caimi Castano Italy EverestFreewheels02/03/2025 03:01 PM
Campagnolo c recordRear Derailleurs02/02/2025 04:29 PM
Campagnolo 1045, Record (Narrow)Seat Posts02/02/2025 04:24 PM
Campagnolo Record tripleCranksets02/02/2025 11:56 AM
JPRHeadsets01/30/2025 01:12 AM
Stronglight 93Cranksets01/30/2025 01:09 AM
Campagnolo 0102050 Corsa Record 1st Gen.Rear Derailleurs01/27/2025 12:42 PM
Campagnolo A010 Corsa Record 2nd Gen.Rear Derailleurs01/27/2025 12:35 PM
Campagnolo A0R7-S 130mm, Record 1986-1989Seat Posts01/27/2025 12:25 PM
Campagnolo Athena (Graphite Finish)Rear Derailleurs01/25/2025 05:14 AM
Campagnolo 1049, Record Strada v2 (1959-1961; BCD 151)Cranksets01/25/2025 04:39 AM
Campagnolo 1020/A, Nuovo Record v4 (w/ spring, hollow rivets)Rear Derailleurs01/25/2025 04:26 AM
Campagnolo 1020/A, Nuovo Record v2 ("PATENT" only, w/ spring, solid rivets)Rear Derailleurs01/25/2025 04:24 AM
Campagnolo 1253, Nuovo Tipo (large flange, kidney bean holes, quick release axles)Hubs01/25/2025 04:11 AM
10 Newest Brands Added/Updated
Brand NameCountryAdded/Updated ByAdded/Updated On
CampagnoloItalyRadiator01/27/2025 12:42 PM
DedaItalyRadiator01/03/2025 05:52 AM
ShimanoJapanBurotte12/22/2024 03:46 AM
PumaGermanyRadiator07/28/2024 11:45 AM
TiptopRetroryder03/28/2024 08:58 AM
Jahaga SAGRetroryder03/11/2024 05:03 PM
Grab OnUnited StatesMuirMan03/08/2024 10:33 AM
Perry / Made for PeugeotEnglandRetroryder03/06/2024 07:54 PM
FZTWEast Germany/GDRRadiator02/07/2024 06:54 AM
Selle ItaliaItalyRadiator02/07/2024 05:13 AM
10 Newest Component Comments Added
Commented ItemUserAdded On
SunTour PL-XP01 XC Pro Grease GuardRadiator02/06/2025 04:55 PM
There was a version with a titanium axle. They share the same body with the Superbe PL-4000 and Pro PL-SB00. The axle and the sealed cartridge bearings are the same as well. The XC Pro got two pins in the body, a different cage and screw in the axle cause of its different bearing cover.
SunTour PL-SB00, Superbe ProRadiator02/06/2025 04:45 PM
They have the same body as the PL-XP01 XC Pro Grease Guard. The axle and the sealed cartridge bearings are the same as well. Titanium axle from the XC Pro Titanium version fits in the Superbe as well.
Campagnolo 1051, Record Pista (144bcd)Radiator02/03/2025 04:37 AM
Non-fluted is Super Record.
Campagnolo 1051, Record Pista (144bcd)pearlsforpigs02/03/2025 02:18 AM
Also excists in 'non-fluted' version, as pictured
Cinelli 1Egroman02/02/2025 02:00 PM
YES. I have E1 with 26,0 mm clamp.
Shimano FD-1057, 105SC (braze-on)mechanibike02/01/2025 12:33 PM
Interestingly, even though this part seems to only have been made in 1993 onwards, my 1992 Trek Composite 2100 had one of these with a braze-on to clamp adapter. Not sure if it was a replaced part, since it matched the rest of the groupset, which was accurate for the time.
Shimano ST-6400, 600EX Ultegramechanibike01/31/2025 02:30 PM
To anyone trying to rebuild or repair these, if you're ever missing any parts, an ST-1055C brifter has the same internals (as far as I'm aware; I've done this replacement myself and I cannot feel a difference) and is far less expensive to purchase.
Shimano RD-6210, 600EX Arabesque (Long Cage)JAKE01/27/2025 08:04 AM
Previous comment update: FF date code is June 1981, so differences are most likely minor design changes over the original, but the aforementioned unit would not strictly be considered a 1st generation model if changes were made.
Shimano EA-100, Dura-Ace (First Generation)JAKE01/26/2025 09:31 PM
I have discovered another variant of this unit; but I do not know if it is an earlier or later variant to that presently shown. My opinion is that it is the earlier version (and thus is the actual 1st generation Dira-Ace named model) due to it being made a little bit cruder/plainer than the example shown here. Although the badge area might be of slightly different dimensions, the obvious differences lie in the upper control arm which is beefier and looks a little less finished and cruder having sharper edges and having the occur in a different position on the arm (lower near the retaining screw. The inner cage plate differs in that it is flat at the front and does not have the stepped area at the front of the plate seen in the photo example. The actual body and clamp appear to have been made with different casts, but that might just be due to minor manufacturing anomolies; whereas the cage and control arm differences are obviously intended changes. Since I have both variants I will post this alternate "1st gen." unit separately; but with comparative photos of both variants side by side to help aid in identifying one from the other.
Campagnolo c recordpearlsforpigs01/25/2025 04:06 AM
Body of a 1st version, cage of the later one Original, saw them a few times...
10 Newest Frame Models AddedRSS
Model NameCountryAdded ByAdded On
Bianchi 'special edition'Italypearlsforpigs02/03/2025 01:44 PM
Rabeneick Model 120 CampagnoloGermanyrche7k11/18/2024 09:50 AM
Cicli Bombardieri Sporty 28" modified women's 26"- Sportivo 28" modificato donna 26"ItalyCiclo storico04/28/2024 03:12 AM
Dave Yates (Road Race)EnglandWalkman-man03/15/2024 07:25 PM
Knight (Road Race)EnglandWalkman-man03/15/2024 06:31 PM
Doniselli SportItalyfhaas01/29/2024 02:12 PM
Kharkov V-552 IUkraineElektrod06/28/2023 11:21 AM
Concorde Razor BladeNetherlandsPoimenidis02/14/2024 10:17 AM
Mascheroni Lupo CorsaItalyfhaas04/28/2022 01:44 PM
Chesini CAP 7020ItalyPoimenidis02/18/2022 03:29 PM
10 Newest Frame Models UpdatedRSS
Model NameCountryUpdated ByUpdated On
Bianchi 'special edition'Italypearlsforpigs02/03/2025 01:44 PM
Rabeneick Model 120 CampagnoloGermanyrche7k11/18/2024 09:50 AM
Pogliaghi ItalcorseItalyfhaas05/22/2024 12:09 PM
Cicli Bombardieri Sporty 28" modified women's 26"- Sportivo 28" modificato donna 26"ItalyCiclo storico04/28/2024 03:12 AM
Dave Yates (Road Race)EnglandWalkman-man03/15/2024 07:25 PM
Knight (Road Race)EnglandWalkman-man03/15/2024 06:31 PM
Concorde Razor BladeNetherlandsPoimenidis02/14/2024 10:17 AM
Doniselli SportItalyfhaas01/29/2024 02:12 PM
Montagner Time TrialItalysteel-is-real07/15/2023 10:07 PM
Kharkov V-552 IUkraineElektrod06/28/2023 11:21 AM
10 Newest Head Badges Added
Badge NameCountryAdded ByAdded On
2006 Limited EditionDenmarkCrazyCatman11/15/2024 01:39 PM
HDenmarkCrazyCatman11/15/2024 01:28 PM
New Millennium versionDenmarkCrazyCatman11/15/2024 01:26 PM
Metallic foil decalDenmarkCrazyCatman11/15/2024 01:21 PM
Hunter HeadbadgeDenmarkCrazyCatman11/11/2024 08:24 AM
Nobless HeadbadgeNetherlandsCrazyCatman11/11/2024 08:23 AM
Made in FranceFranceCrazyCatman11/11/2024 08:18 AM
Pogliaghi HeadbadgeItalyfhaas05/06/2024 10:51 PM
Dave Yates HeadbadgeEnglandWalkman-man03/15/2024 07:33 PM
Knight HeadbadgeEnglandWalkman-man03/15/2024 07:05 PM
10 Newest Head Badges Updated
Badge NameCountryUpdated ByUpdated On
Torpado pre 1951ItalyCrazyCatman11/28/2024 03:40 AM
2006 Limited EditionDenmarkCrazyCatman11/15/2024 01:39 PM
Pogliaghi HeadbadgeItalyfhaas05/06/2024 10:51 PM
Knight HeadbadgeEnglandWalkman-man03/15/2024 07:05 PM
Cicli BombardieriItalyCiclo storico03/03/2024 01:02 PM
DBS Øglænd HeadbadgeNorwayeaglerock12/13/2023 03:53 PM
SavoyTaiwaneaglerock12/13/2023 03:52 PM
Peugeot PH12-Centennial Badge Valentigney (Historical Badge)Francevintathek03/23/2023 02:31 AM
Mesko HeadbadgePolandgroman03/12/2023 02:36 AM
Pre-war Continental ClubEnglandPeachyPM11/01/2022 02:48 AM
10 Newest Frame Parts Added/Updated
Part NameCategoryUpdated ByUpdated On
Gios Torino Super Record Fork Crown CoinFork Crownpearlsforpigs01/27/2025 01:41 PM
G. P. Wilson StainlessDrop Outs & Fork EndsJohnDThompson09/20/2024 11:45 AM
Cinelli-style Fork Crownwiel04/05/2024 04:04 AM
Vagner Flatcrown topdiamantFork Crownwiel02/21/2024 03:08 AM
EKLA 69 and 101Lug Setwiel02/17/2024 12:43 PM
EKLA Fork Crownwiel02/17/2024 12:16 PM
Bozzi blanks-uncutLug Setwiel06/16/2020 11:25 AM
Columbus BrainTube SetsTom70s03/25/2019 08:49 AM
tre Zeta - unknownDrop Outs & Fork EndsTombo10/24/2018 11:41 AM
Campagnolo 1010/B, short horizontal dropoutsDrop Outs & Fork EndsTombo07/06/2018 09:50 AM
10 Newest Parts Bin Items Added/Updated
Part NameCategoryAdded/Updated ByAdded/Updated On
NicopolTube SetsElektrod06/28/2023 10:20 AM
PrugnetTube SetsPeachyPM06/22/2018 02:39 PM
Tange ChampionTube SetsSlider7404/18/2018 12:38 PM
Araya 1435Tube Setscinco07/09/2017 08:39 PM
unknowTube SetsPedro02/11/2017 06:44 AM
Oria 9550Tube Setsfobiafabio10/25/2016 10:35 AM
Columbus DeltaTube SetsTom70s06/24/2016 02:17 AM
Columbus Gilco Profilo S4Tube Setsandreitapescu04/18/2016 06:40 AM
Peugeot "Allégé"Tube Setsdbroglin03/17/2016 07:28 AM
Columbus customTube Setsvintage-baz12/05/2015 08:49 AM
10 Newest Brands Added/Updated
Brand NameCountryAdded/Updated ByAdded/Updated On
TrekUnited Statesmechanibike02/05/2025 12:13 PM
CampagnoloItalyRadiator01/27/2025 12:42 PM
ShimanoJapanBurotte12/22/2024 03:46 AM
ToyotaJapanCrazyCatman11/15/2024 01:36 PM
HamletDenmarkCrazyCatman11/15/2024 01:27 PM
MorenoDenmarkCrazyCatman11/15/2024 01:25 PM
HunterDenmarkCrazyCatman11/11/2024 08:24 AM
NoblessNetherlandsCrazyCatman11/11/2024 08:22 AM
RabeneickGermanyrche7k07/29/2024 01:52 PM
Dave YatesEnglandWalkman-man03/15/2024 07:16 PM
10 Newest Frame & Head Badge Comments Added
Commented ItemUserAdded On
Bocama Professional (Short Point)jayatin801@janfab.com02/06/2025 12:18 AM
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15 Newest Tools Added/Updated
Tool NameCategoryAdded ByAdded/Updated On
Cobra crank bolt wrenchcrank bolt wrenchpearlsforpigs02/03/2025 11:12 AM
Velox dissoplast Tire Patch KitTire Patch Kitpearlsforpigs01/04/2025 09:36 AM
Cobra complete tool kitComplete Toolsetwiel01/02/2025 09:02 AM
AFA 3 Air PumpAir PumpTom70s11/21/2024 07:44 AM
Pompa officina\Workshop pump Air PumpCiclo storico05/01/2024 09:44 AM
Cicli Bombardieri Regola bloccaggi ruote\Adjust wheel locks Alignment ToolCiclo storico05/01/2024 09:42 AM
Unknown adjustable workshop Work StandWork StandCiclo storico05/01/2024 09:40 AM
Superpila Controllo dinamo\Dynamo control LightCiclo storico05/01/2024 09:37 AM
Cicli Bombardieri Centra ruote\Center wheels Truing standCiclo storico04/24/2024 12:03 PM
BiciSupporti Centra ruote Truing standCiclo storico04/24/2024 12:01 PM
Misuratore pressione\Pressure gauge Pressure GaugeCiclo storico04/24/2024 12:00 PM
Gonfiatore\Gonfleur\Inflator per VisconteaAir PumpCiclo storico04/22/2024 05:14 AM
Smonta pignoni ruota libera\Remove freewheel sprockets Freewheel ToolCiclo storico04/22/2024 05:11 AM
Smonta ruota libera singola\Remove single freewheel Freewheel Removal ToolCiclo storico04/22/2024 05:09 AM
Clement Pressure GaugePressure Gaugekettenreaktion04/22/2024 04:46 AM
10 Newest Tool Comments Added
Commented ItemUserAdded On
VAR var 40/m Facing Millpearlsforpigs02/03/2025 10:56 AM
To 'clean'/repair rear HUB BSA/ISO threading
Clement Pista Gluenancy26601/21/2025 04:28 AM
This is, in my opinion, one of the best posts that you have made. Your work [url=]escape road 2[/url] game is quite outstanding in both quality and quantity. I am grateful to you for it.
Campagnolo #767 "L" Chainwheel Screw Allen Keypearlsforpigs12/31/2024 07:11 AM
aka 'pineapple'
Campagnolo #770 Cotterless Crank PullerCaude12/24/2024 08:04 AM
This crank puller is a great tool for anyone working on their bike maintenance. I’ve come across similar discussions while exploring gaming tools on crazygames. Both hobbies require precision and the right equipment to get the job done effectively.
Park Tool LubricantsCrazyCatman11/27/2024 12:27 PM
Part no. WLG-1 according to my tube. This could be for White Lithium Grease as mentioned in the General Information. The front also boast "smooth white lithium grease". The new is called HPG-1 and is described as High Performance Grease.
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Shimano TL-FH10 Freehub Removal ToolColeHarry11/07/2024 10:16 PM
That's a detailed and informative escape road description of the Shimano TL-FH10 Freehub Removal Tool. It's great to know the brand, category, model, country of origin, years of production, and the contributor's information.
Smonta ruota libera singola\Remove single freewheel tracy1210/31/2024 09:17 PM
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Campagnolo #770 Cotterless Crank Pullermodified10/28/2024 05:45 AM
With constant updates, bitlife always has something fresh to offer. New careers, challenges, and events keep the game exciting and replayable.
Zéfalsajavi10/14/2024 01:04 AM
Tap to jump and avoid spikes, holes, and other dangers as you race through bright, colorful worlds. geometry dash lite is easy to learn and fun to play. Because each level has its own themes and beats, timing and accuracy are very important for success. As you go, the game will get harder, with more difficult jumps and hurdles to get past.
10 Newest Brands Added/Updated
Brand NameCountryAdded/Updated ByAdded/Updated On
TrekUnited Statesmechanibike02/05/2025 12:13 PM
CampagnoloItalyRadiator01/27/2025 12:42 PM
ShimanoJapanBurotte12/22/2024 03:46 AM
ToyotaJapanCrazyCatman11/15/2024 01:36 PM
HamletDenmarkCrazyCatman11/15/2024 01:27 PM
MorenoDenmarkCrazyCatman11/15/2024 01:25 PM
HunterDenmarkCrazyCatman11/11/2024 08:24 AM
NoblessNetherlandsCrazyCatman11/11/2024 08:22 AM
RabeneickGermanyrche7k07/29/2024 01:52 PM
AllemanoItalyCiclo storico04/22/2024 04:31 AM
10 Newest Team Jerseys Added/Updated
Jersey NameTeamAdded ByAdded/Updated On
EvertonCrazyCatman11/29/2024 03:26 PM
1999 Team home - Jack & JonesTeam home - Jack & JonesCrazyCatman11/28/2024 04:42 AM
Team CSC - 2005 editionTeam CSCCrazyCatman11/25/2024 12:38 PM
Peugeot - old logoCrazyCatman11/23/2024 01:54 PM
La Vie ClaireLa Vie Clairebike.racer11/22/2024 07:11 AM
Panasonic Raleigh Team jerseyPanasonic Raleighbike.racer11/22/2024 07:06 AM
1997 Trek-Volkswagen (Michael Rasmussen)Trek - VolkswagenCrazyCatman11/22/2024 06:36 AM
2001 Toyota - Flughafen Köln-BonnTeam CologneCrazyCatman11/22/2024 06:35 AM
Carrera JeansCARRERA - TASSONIvxpro03/03/2024 11:44 AM
National United States of AmericaTeam U.S.A.Ciclo storico03/03/2024 11:37 AM
10 Newest Catalog Scans Added
Catalog NameBrandSourceAdded On
stingray565Wilierweb08/12/2019 12:56 PM
Sprint 9000 Group LealetSunTourDon Buska01/02/2019 02:23 PM
1985 Centurion CatalogCenturionvintage-centurion.com04/25/2018 12:31 PM
1986 Centurion CatalogCenturionvintage-centurion.com04/25/2018 12:30 PM
1972 Centurion CatalogCenturionvintage-centurion.com04/25/2018 12:29 PM
Suntour 1994 (SR Suntour) Bicycles Equipment Sales ManuSunTourDon Buska10/30/2017 10:53 PM
Suntour 1991 Bicycle Equipment CatalogSunTour10/30/2017 10:51 PM
Suntour 1991 Product LineSunTourDon Buska10/30/2017 10:50 PM
Suntour 1988 Ed. No. 89 Bicycle Component CatalogSunTourDon Buska10/30/2017 10:48 PM
Suntour Through 1988 CatalogSunTourDon Buska10/22/2017 04:56 PM
10 Newest Links & Additional Resources Added
Link NameCategoryAdded ByAdded On
Cicli BombardieriVintage Friendly Bike ShopsCiclo storico08/03/2023 12:53 PM
Cycling ConnoisseurVintage Cycling Websitescyclingconnoisseur08/27/2016 03:03 PM
Vintage CenturionBrand Specific WebsitesSlider7411/21/2015 07:03 PM
retrobikeOther Sites of Interestretrofiets01/07/2013 03:00 PM
Schwinn Bike ForumBrand Specific WebsitesJFischer10/04/2012 02:07 PM
RWK BicyclesVintage Friendly Bike ShopsAlaric Smith01/15/2012 06:40 AM
La Rueda TropicalGeneral Cycling WebsitesJFischer12/31/2011 01:26 PM
Campy Nuovo Record on Simplex Dropout AdapterBest of C&VJFischer12/29/2011 08:59 AM
Cino RiderVintage Cycling WebsitesJFischer11/28/2011 11:02 AM
Vintage NOS Bicycle PartsVintage Friendly Bike ShopsJFischer11/17/2011 12:08 PM
Newest Brand Histories and Reference Articles Added
Article NameCategoryAuthorAdded On
The VeloBase History of MIFAVeloBase Brand HistoriesThe Community01/10/2022 05:25 AM
The VeloBase History of DürkoppVeloBase Brand HistoriesThe Community01/05/2022 03:07 PM
The VeloBase History of KondorVeloBase Brand HistoriesThe Community12/24/2021 04:56 AM
The VeloBase History of MeskoVeloBase Brand HistoriesThe Community11/08/2019 03:30 AM
The VeloBase History of ElvishVeloBase Brand HistoriesThe Community02/07/2017 05:39 AM
The VeloBase History of SKSVeloBase Brand HistoriesThe Community12/27/2016 03:23 PM
The VeloBase History of SchürmannVeloBase Brand HistoriesThe Community11/17/2016 06:27 PM
The VeloBase History of RedlVeloBase Brand HistoriesThe Community09/19/2016 10:41 AM
The VeloBase History of PrestoVeloBase Brand HistoriesThe Community09/01/2016 05:15 AM
The VeloBase History of ChiricoVeloBase Brand HistoriesThe Community01/20/2016 04:32 PM
10 Newest Glossary Entries Added
TermCategoryAdded ByAdded On
DrainpipeGlossary Entrycguder04/10/2011 03:12 PM
StokerGlossary Entrycguder04/10/2011 03:06 PM
CaptainGlossary Entrycguder04/10/2011 03:04 PM
RenakGlossary Entrypete bugsy brown10/15/2010 10:43 AM
Q-FactorGlossary Entrycguder03/19/2010 01:01 PM
Wheel BuildingGlossary Entrywatsondm03/15/2010 06:41 PM
TruingGlossary Entrywatsondm03/15/2010 06:35 PM
Asymmetric Wheel TruingGlossary Entrywatsondm03/15/2010 06:29 PM
GearsGlossary Entrywatsondm02/19/2010 12:05 PM
Gear RatioGlossary Entrywatsondm02/19/2010 12:00 PM

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