Colnago ("record", steel)
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Category:  Headsets
Name:  Colnago ("record", steel)
Brand:  Colnago
Model:  Steel version
Years:  1980's - 1990's
Country:  Italy
Weight:  198 grams (Actual), incl. spacer
Added By: Tombo on 01/10/17
Updated By: Tombo on 04/28/19
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Colnago ("record", steel)Colnago ("record", steel)Colnago ("record", steel)Colnago ("record", steel)Colnago ("record", steel)Colnago ("record", steel)
Body MaterialSteelUpper Bearing Size20 x 5/32" (retainer)
Lower Bearing Size20 x 5/32" (retainer)Crown Race SizeISO (26.4mm)
Upper Cup Markingslogo & "COLNAGO" [4-times repeating]Lower Cup Markingslogo & "COLNAGO" [4-times repeating]
Available Threading English/ISO/Italian (25.4mm x 24TPI)Stack Height ~26,5mm (upper) + ~13,5mm (lower) = ~40mm total
General Information
According to I would assume that this steel version was also made for Colnago by F.T. Bologna...?? 

In Standardized Headset Identification System (S.H.I.S.) terminology it would be a "EC30,2/25,4 - EC30,2/26,3"

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Variations of Component exist (Component is 1 of 2)BrandGroup
Colnago ("super record", alu)Colnago
Brand Information(click to expand)
Founded by Ernesto Colnago in Cambiago Italy, the Colango name has become one of the most respected and prestigious names in Italian cycling.  Countless professional cyclists have ridden a Colnago frame to victory, and there are an even greater number of models and variations of frames and elaborate paint schemes.  However all are quickly recognized by the famous Colnago Clover / Club emblem.  Do note that there are a number of impersonators and copy-cat frames out there that are either a close copy of the colnago logo, or have been painted / repainted to appear to be a true Colnago.
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