Huret Tour de France (Huret adhesive sticker over incised Huret logo; formerly known as Competition model)
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Category:  Rear Derailleurs
Name:  Huret Tour de France (Huret adhesive sticker over incised Huret logo; formerly known as Competition model)
Brand:  Huret
Years:  Late 1950's - Early 1960's
Country:  France
Added By: JFischer on 12/07/10
Updated By: peterbman on 03/22/18
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Huret Tour de France (Huret adhesive sticker Huret Tour de France (Huret adhesive sticker Huret Tour de France (Huret adhesive sticker Huret Tour de France (Huret adhesive sticker Huret Tour de France (Huret adhesive sticker Huret Tour de France (Huret adhesive sticker Huret Tour de France (Huret adhesive sticker
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Outer Plate MarkingsHuret TdFInner Plate MarkingsHuret
MaterialSteelDesign CategoryRod
Attachment Bolt SizeClawCable Attachment Bolt Size
Shifting SystemsFrictionCable AdjusterNo
Cage LengthShortMax Cog Size
Max Chain Wrap  
General Information
Huret changed the Competition derailleur name to the Tour de France derailleur (1956 Huret catalog)
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Variations of Component exist (Component is 1 of 2)BrandGroup
Huret Competition (incised Huret logo; later known as Tour de France model)Huret
Brand Information(click to expand)
With Simplex, one of the main two French producers of derailleurs between WW2 and the late 80's.
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