ITM (1A style, tall, wedge expander)
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Category:  Stems
Name:  ITM (1A style, tall, wedge expander)
Brand:  Italmanubri (ITM)
Years:  Early 1980's - ?
Country:  Italy
Added By: Ghost Rider on 02/16/09
Updated By: peterbman on 01/10/17
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ITM (1A style, tall, wedge expander)ITM (1A style, tall, wedge expander)ITM (1A style, tall, wedge expander)ITM (1A style, tall, wedge expander)ITM (1A style, tall, wedge expander)ITM (1A style, tall, wedge expander)
MaterialAluminumMarkingsITM Italy, extension length and stop markings on quill
Bar Clamp Size 26.0Quill Size 22.2
Expander Style WedgeExpander Bolt Size
Binder Bolt Size 12mm Hex bolt  
General Information
This variation has a 12 mm bar clamp bolt and wedge, rather than conical expander, fastening system.  The strangest thing about this particular stem is that rather than a threaded wedge piece, the wedge has a steel nut pressed into its base.   The wedge itself is heavily fluted for weight savings.
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ITM (quill, 1A style)Italmanubri (ITM)
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