Maillard front hub with fork clips
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Category:  Hubs
Name:  Maillard front hub with fork clips
Brand:  Maillard
Years:  1980's
Country:  France
Added By: JFischer on 08/31/10
Updated By: JFischer on 08/31/10
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Maillard front hub with fork clipsMaillard front hub with fork clips
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Gear Compatibility Front Hub OnlyFront Bearing Size/Count
Rear Bearing Size/CountN/ARear Spacing
Spoke Drilling32; 36Flange SizeLow Flange
Gear Threading/Pattern Body MarkingsMaillard
Axle MaterialSteelShell MaterialAluminum
General Information
This front hub used an early attempt at a system to keep the front hub from falling out of the dropouts should the quick release skewer get knocked open during use.  The two metal arms clipped to the inside of the fork blade, and the hole in each arm slipped over a special tab on the fork.  Obviously, this system required that the fork either include or be fitted with these tabs for it to work properly. All instances of this system that I have ever seen has been limited to Schwinn bicycles from the mid-to-late 1980's including the LeTour and Passage models, though it is entirely possible that other bicycle brands used it as well until the "lawyer lip" design took over.
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Brand Information(click to expand)
 Hubs, pedals and freewheels maker. Between 1950 and the late 60's, absorbed smaller companies Atom (freewheels, pedals) and Normandy (hubs), whose brands survived on a number of Maillard-made products until the early 80's.
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