Weinmann AG 750 Vainqueur 999 (red label)
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Category:  Brakes
Name:  Weinmann AG 750 Vainqueur 999 (red label)
Brand:  Weinmann AG
Model:  750
Years:  1970's - 1980's
Country:  Switzerland
Added By: cudak888 on 07/21/07
Updated By: peterbman on 04/10/14
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Weinmann AG 750 Vainqueur 999 (red label)Weinmann AG 750 Vainqueur 999 (red label)Weinmann AG 750 Vainqueur 999 (red label)Weinmann AG 750 Vainqueur 999 (red label)
Design Category Center PullCable Adjuster
Quick Release Yes, at cable stopAttachment Bolt TypeExterior Nut
Cable Attachment BoltFront of Arm MarkingsWeinmann 750 Vainqueur 999
Back of Arm MarkingsMade in Switzerland by WeinmannReach CategoryLong Reach; Standard Reach
Min ReachMax Reach
General Information
The extremely popular Weinmann Vainqueur 999 centerpull brakes - '70s red-label version.

Short-reach variants shown. Medium and long reach were available as well.
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Component VariationsView Detailed List  Manage Variations
Variations of Component exist (Component is 1 of 4)BrandGroup
Weinmann AG Vainqueur 999 (3rd version, incised lettering, 2 springs, mounted pivots)Weinmann AG
Weinmann AG 750 Vainqueur 999 (black label)Weinmann AG
Weinmann AG Raleigh 750 (black label)Weinmann AG
Brand Information(click to expand)
Founded in 1933 in the swiss Schaffhausen by Otto Weinmann, very close the border to Germany, over the years Weinmann became a very well reputated and one of the world leading lightweight bicyle parts builder, focused on brakes and later rims (in the 1960s the Weinmann colle rims became very famous). In the 1960s Weinmann delivered DiaCompe with brake parts and in the 1970's and 1980's this cooperation lasted in the production of Weinmann's top modell Carrera. At the date of the 40th company anniversary they had more than 700 employees and two affiliated companies in Singen, Germany (Weinmann & Co. KG) and Schoten, Belgium. After the swiss location has been closed in 1991 business activities were administrated from the German subsidiary in Singen.
Sources: -Advisory information by Marlise Wunderli from Schaffhausen's town archive.
                -Advertising in the issues from 1952 of the german magazine "Radsport"
                -50 Jahre Weinmann - Die Vollbremser. Tour, 1983 , issue 12
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